What Attracts Burglars to Homes?
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May 11, 20206 Inexpensive Ways To Burglar Proof Your Home

kid inputing passwords on an electronic door lock
The Burglar Proof Home
The world is an amazing place to live but there are still nasty things out there. Having a home that is well protected can bring you and your family peace of mind. While it is impossible to eliminate all risk it is certainly very easy to significantly decrease it.
Six Ways to Burglar Proof Your Home
There are more than just a handful of things you can do to help increase the security of your home. Let’s take a quick look at six things you can do today to improve the likelihood a potential burglar would skip over your home.
Smart Locks
Points of entry are going to always be the first line consideration when it comes to home security. You may not think that it is possible to do much more for your locks than a standard deadbolt. Smart locks are able to let you know when the door is locked or unlocked from anywhere in the world. If you leave home and forget to lock it just simply use the app on your phone instead of turning around.
Security Doors and Shutters
Of course, locks are great but they do you no good if a criminal can just get in through the window or kick the door down. There are upgraded doors and windows for your home that will allow you to enhance the durability of the vital points of entry to your home. Do not let the door be the weakest link in your security suite.
Security Cameras
Security cameras both inside and outside of the home are a great idea for security and protection. There are a number of options available for homeowners today. They will allow you to keep an eye on things around the house while you are away at the click of a button.
Whole Home Alarm System
Now we all want to prevent the bad things from happening but it is important to prepare for the scenario where the bad things happen anyways too. A whole-home alarm system will give you peace of mind knowing that in the event someone did break in that help would be dispatched right away to you.
There is nothing worse when you hear a suspicious sound at night than being unable to see anything through the inky blackness of night. A good quality floodlight can kill two birds at the same time. It will alert you to any unexpected motion around your property while also allowing you to see what is going on in the dark.
High Quality Fencing
The points of entry to your home are important but would it not be even better if you could limit the ability of a criminal to even approach the home in the first place. The best thing you can do for home defense is to enclose the entire perimeter in some kind of quality fencing. It is just one more barrier between your fortress and the outside world.